Divorce Lawyer in NYC

You would be hard-pressed to find anyone who entered a marriage relationship expecting divorce as an outcome. This just isn’t how anyone thinks. You plan to remain married for life, yet at one point, something happens. Now, you are facing something you never dreamed possible, a divorce. Thankfully, divorce isn’t all negative. In fact, in many cases, especially where infidelity or abuse are concerned, it can be a second chance at life. David Schnall, PLLC – Attorney at Law has seen it all when it comes to divorce and he understands how scary and confusing the process seems to you right now. He is ready to walk with you through the ordeal, though, so you need not fear. Read on to learn more about filing for divorce in the state of New York

Filing For Divorce in New York

Divorce matters are always heard in the Supreme Court of the State of New York. Each county within the state has their matrimonial part of the Supreme Court. In New York, you have to have grounds for divorce, and New York is not a common law marriage state.

The Most Common Grounds for Divorce in New York State

Grounds are the legal excuse to dissolve a marriage. As mentioned above, you must prove you have grounds in order to obtain a divorce in New York. The most common grounds are listed below:

  • Abandonment: This is when a spouse voluntarily separates from another for at least one year.
  • Constructive Abandonment: No actual abandonment occurs, but the actions of your spouse make it impossible for cohabitation. It can also include a lack of sexual intimacy.
  • Cruel and Unusual Treatment: When a spouse has been habitually cruel towards the other, either physically or emotionally.

Divorce Isn’t as Simple As Goodbye

The dissolution of a marriage isn’t as simple as saying goodbye. Proving grounds for divorce is just the first step. Thankfully, David Schnall is well versed in the process of marriage dissolution through a divorce. If you are facing divorce, call today.

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